Before you open up for me...

I will open up for you.
My name is Claire. I’m 41 years old, a self-taught photographer, former midwife, present-day farmer's wife and mom to two adoptive kids.
I've lived with chronic illness and pain for 30 years, which led me to create a more flexible job for myself in photography. Having barely lived through a lot, I've developed a laser-like focus for what I like and what I'm good at; namely film photography and teaching.
Business Hours:
Monday: after the kids are in bed
Tuesday: between getting everyone snacks
Wednesday: after they are in bed, but then get up, and then we put them back to bed, then they cry for a snack
Thursday: during nap time, if I've already prepped dinner
Friday: while I fold laundry and eat popcorn
Saturday: between 330am-5am when the burden of unreturned emails wakes me up in a panic
Sunday: not on Sundays. That's the only day I don't carry the burden of unreturned emails, because tomorrow is Monday and I'll definitely have time on Monday.